A Special Holiday POV Letter from The Editor

Before closing out this year and embarking upon another, I want to acknowledge each of you in your gloriousness and say Happy Holidays. But more importantly, thank you for your continued support. 2022 has been another year of living, learning, planning, and pivoting. We've enjoyed major (and minor) wins, shed a tear or two over major (and minor) losses, dug deep to produce another level of resilient living, big belly laughs, mindful moments, and so much more. Who we are and what we do could not be possible, literally and figuratively, without you. For that, I am forever indebted, humbled, and grateful.
Our paths may differ, but the one commonality we each have is the "rollercoaster" called life. The basic acknowledgment of our experiences and similarities is the beginning of living a fulfilled and happy life (in my humble opinion). Because you allowing us to be us (just as we are) and do the things we do authentically and wholeheartedly, you allow Queen Anna House of Fashion to remain a beacon of hope and light for so many, including me. Thank you for finding value in what we do. Because of you, I know that our team's hard work and effort are not in vain and that I am living a purpose-filled life.
As a small business owner, there are times that, without that pause, business ownership can start to quickly feel overwhelming. But even in those moments of discontent, I couldn't ever imagine doing anything different than what I do every day. I am still so fulfilled in what we have built and continue to grow that I wake up renewed and ready to take on "Goliath," all in the name of Queen Anna House of Fashion, the legacy we are building, and the legacy of those that went before me, that allow me to be in this position today.
We are grateful for the diverse community of those we serve, and as a brand, we strive to ensure that our clients feel seen, heard, and valued. It's why we exist; to highlight folks' unique and diverse differences and shine a light on varied perspectives to create room for more acceptance, non-judgment, and love. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then we sincerely believe that each of our clients is some of the most unique and beautiful individuals we know.
Whenever anyone asks me what I do for a living, I get to tell them with a straight face that "I dress superheroes for a living." When I say "superheroes," I don't mean the ones we all know and see on tv and movie screens, but ones that live a life like "Clark Kent." I dress the superheroes that have a hundred things on a to-do list, that go to bed with it longer than when they started, or who manage are changing a newborn baby's diaper or even change the undergarments of an aging loved one. Our superhero clients often empty their reserve tanks on others and rarely leave anything in the tank for themselves.
These undercover superheroes come to Queen Anna to be treated like queens and have a brief reprieve from everyday shopping. We give our superhero's the option to wear a coat or a cape (wink). And they love that each piece we offer is uniquely made or designed by a small emerging brand that more than likely has an impact on the community or philanthropic connection, making them feel connected to something bigger than themselves; community. It's this community of "superheroes" that we have been honored to call our clients; many of them are even known as our friends.
In closing, I wanted to speak from the heart to those I don't know and remind those of you that I do know how grateful I am for you and to tell you wholeheartedly, from my personal family and my Queen Team extended family, happy holidays. We couldn't close out the holiday season without acknowledging and admiring all of you selfless superhero individuals and how grateful we are for you and the opportunity to serve you. As we close out 2022, we had to let you know how much you are valued and how grateful we are for you as an intrinsically unique individual, first and foremost, and a valued client, second. We look forward to all that will be and is to come in 2023 for you and yours and wish you the happiest holiday season. We speak prosperity and health into the universe for you and all those connected to you.
With Heartfelt Gratitude & Abounding Appreciation,
Nicole Jennings, Owner. of Queen Anna House of Fashion